Welcome to Your PhDÂ Photo! Our company is specialized in PhDÂ defense ceremonies, receptions and events.
After years of effort, your PhD defense is a highlight in your scientific career. High-quality photographic material from your thesis defense is not only for you, your relatives and friends but mainly as a solid professional record.
After several years of photographing in universities of the Netherlands (UvA, VU, TU Delft, Erasmus, Leiden, Utrecht, Tilburg, TU Eindhoven) we have great experience in PhDÂ ceremonies, knowing the importance of our discreet presence to achieve the best results.
Our work at Your PhD Photo results in an extensive report of the PhD ceremony and the events surrounding it. Ιn the end you will have a complete picture of this day including photographs of:
- The PhD student
- The promoters, paranymphs and the guests during the layout, the presentation, and the graduation ceremony
- Part of the reception
Our portfolio and the satisfaction of our clients guarantee that you will appreciate this choice!